To provide quality and professional support and responsible oversight to those individuals we are empowered and commissioned to assist, with fairness and integrity. Our Vision is to be a Probation Department that will:
1. Treat every probationer with dignity, respect and a willingness to positively affect each and every individual.
2. Make every interaction impactful.
3. “Make things happen”…at all times, and in spite of circumstances and hurdles.
Our Team:
Angela Mustard, Chief Probation Officer | (513) 398-7901 ext 111 |
Thomas Dedrick, Assistant Chief Probation Officer | (513) 398-7901 ext 119 |
Carol Reynolds, Probation Officer | (513) 398-7901 ext 121 |
William Chapman, Probation Officer | (513) 398-7901 ext 113 |
Probation and costs
(A) Any person receiving a sentence including probation must pay $300 for a six (6) month term and $600 per year (up to 5 years) to the probation department of the Court. Those probationers that are given probation must report as directed by the probation officers. Any probationer that has completed all of his/her assigned programs and has attained all the reform goals set by the probation officers can, at the exclusive discretion of the Chief of Probation of the Court be set as an “other than reporting” probation for the remaining term of their probation. However, may be changed back to reporting if a violation occurs. Any random or required drug screen/urine test will be charged accordingly.
(B) The court shall adopt the house arrest program with costs to the defendant only.
(C) Unless otherwise modified in a given case, an offender placed on probation under section ORC §2951.02 must obey the standards of his probation set forth by the Court.
(D) The forms used, the time and number of appointments, the nature and times of random drug/alcohol test lie strictly and wholly with the Chief of Probation within the limits of the Ohio Revised Code.
As a result of your conviction, the Judge / Magistrate has sentenced you to community control monitored by the Mason Probation Department. Your probation officer will assess your needs/court order and determine the best plan of action to help you achieve a successful completion of community control. Your probation officer will provide you with the support and guidance you need by referring you to anything from counseling, electronic monitoring, a random drug testing program, or nothing at all. Failure to follow the court order and/or the conditions of community control could result in a probation violation and the imposition of your suspended jail sentence.
***You must appear at scheduled appointments with your probation officer. No “last minute” cancellations will be accepted and changing an appointment requires the approval of your probation officer. If you miss an appointment due to a medical emergency, you will need to provide a note from a doctor/hospital within one business day explaining the emergency/visit. On average, appointments will last approximately 15-30 minutes.
***Only those sentenced to community control will be allowed in the probation department. No children are allowed in the office at any time.
***Anyone sentenced to community control could be drug tested at any time regardless of your reporting status (reporting, phone in or non-reporting) or offense. Our method of testing requires you to provide a urine sample (we do not draw blood.) You will be monitored while providing this sample. A dilute/invalid urine sample happens when you consume an excessive amount of liquids prior to your test. Being unable to provide a sample or providing a dilute/invalid sample will be considered a violation of your probation with no exceptions. You are expected to provide a urine sample within a reasonable amount of time. Bring any prescribed medications with you each time you appear unless your probation officer tells you not to.
***NO cellphone use; NO weapons or knives or sharp objects should be on your person when you enter the probation department/Court or City Building. You are encouraged to leave bags, purses, and backpacks in your car or at home if possible. You and your belongings can and will be searched.
***Only the Judge can terminate your community control early. Paying off your fines or completing sanctions does not mean your community control is over. Refer to your signed entry to determine the end date of your community control. It’s up to your probation officer if you need to report in person, by phone, email, etc.
***Conduct yourself in the same manner as you would during a court appearance.
***We truly want to help! We have access to resources you may not expect. We also do not release any information about you that’s not public record. Our conversations are confidential unless you give us permission to share. Our goal is for you to maintain a productive lifestyle that keeps you from reoffending.
***We will treat you with respect as long as you do the same!
A. Report all contact with any law enforcement officer if it is official business.
B. Travel outside Ohio for more than 24 hours can only be approved within a 10-day period prior to the travel. You can make the request outside of that time frame for planning purposes. You must be compliant with your probation at the time of the trip, not at the time of the request.
C. Drug screens are done 8-11 am and 1-3 pm. Appear within those time frames. Be prepared to use the restroom when you arrive (Fee may be applied). Bring proof of Rx if any has changed. ***Medical Marijuana must be prescribed by Primary Care Physician and approved by the Court prior to use.***
D. ANY changes to information must be disclosed within 24 hours of the change: residence, phone number, job, marital status, emergency contacts (or their phone numbers), others in your residence. This also includes any changes in your status with other probation departments or courts.
E. No alcohol means NO ALCOHOL. This includes over-the-counter medications, personal hygiene products, foods.
“Very few non–alcoholic beers contain no alcohol at all. In the United States, to be labeled “alcohol-free,” beer may contain up to 0.5% ABV. The term “low alcohol” allows for between 0.5% and 1.2% ABV to be present”.
F. Do not socialize with others on probation or parole.
G. Supervision other than reporting (basic or intensive) does not change the requirements of probation. Phone-in, non-reporting, primary reporting at another agency—this is alternative reporting, not alternative rules.
H. This is your probation and your court orders. It is your responsibility to complete your ordered programs and prove that they were completed. Always take your officer’s business card to all meetings with any service providers. Sign releases to “Mason Probation Department; attn: __your officer__________________”. Pay for your program in a timely manner. Not paying can restrict reports being sent.
I. Evaluations are only acceptable by the court if collateral information has been provided to the accessor. It is your responsibility to contact your probation officer and inform him/her of the location and date of your evaluation so that the information can be sent. It is also your responsibility to let the accessor know about this rule so they can complete the evaluation appropriately. It must be noted on the report that collateral information was received and reviewed prior to any recommendations being made.
J. If your case is Pretrial Supervision, there is a $40.00 fee. You have from arraignment until the next scheduled court date to pay it. If your case is Pretrial Diversion, there is a $200.00 fee that is to be paid on the day of court. You have until a week prior to your completion review date to pay court costs. If you have been ordered to probation you will have a fine, court costs, and probation fees. Generally, there is an assigned court date for review to ensure these are paid if not paid on the day of sentencing. Payment can be made by any method except personal check. It can be paid in person or by mail. If you are paying restitution, you must state to the clerk that you are making a restitution payment so that it can be credited properly. Only adjudicated cases can be paid online.
K. Payment plans are not suggestions. This is how the court is ordering you to clear your debt. Comply.
L. Attorneys are knowledgeable about law and court processes. They are not experts on probation procedures or rules. If you follow instructions from your attorney that go against probation terms that you have signed, you will still be considered in violation of your probation. Attorney instructions do not supersede probation terms or court orders.
M. Make others aware of these rules. If the people in your life care about you, they will want you to be successful with your probation. Do not take advice from those who want to make this convenient for them and not good for you. Jail house attorneys get paid what they’re worth.
N. If you have been convicted in this court, then you are an adult. You will be treated like one and your behavior is expected to reflect that. Dress appropriately for court, be respectful to all court personnel. Take responsibility.
O. Probation is confidential. No other person will take part in your intake or meeting unless there is a documented mental or medical issue that prevents you from participating / understanding what is happening. Probation meetings can be intensive. Children are not to be brought with you to your meetings. Arrange for care. Security cannot be responsible for children in the lobby.
P. You are ordered by the Court to perform 20 hours of community service within TBA days/months as arranged and authorized through the Probation Dept. Defendant may also buy out community services at $10 per hour after all fines and costs are paid in full, within the same allotted time.
Over the counter drugs NOT PERMITTED to take while on pretrial supervision, on probation for an alcoholic offense or Court ordered No Alcohol Consumption.
- Benedryl (or generic)
- Nyquil (or generic)
- Dayquil (or generic)
- Pain reliever PM (of any kind including generic)
- Listerine Mouthwash (or generic that contains alcohol)
The ONLY over the counter drugs that I am PERMITTED to take are:
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol or generic)
- Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil or generic)
- Aleve (or generic)
- Aspirin
It is MY responsibility to keep my officer informed of ANY and ALL prescription drugs that I currently take. If I am placed on a new prescription while on pretrial supervision, I am responsible for making sure that my case manager has a copy of my script. I will also bring the bottle/container in at officer’s request.
***Medical Marijuana must be prescribed by Primary Care Physician and approved by the Court prior to use.***