
Judicial Officers

The Honorable D. Andrew Batsche, Judge
Zachary O. Zoz, Chief Magistrate
Michael Gilb, Civil Magistrate

Clerk’s Office(513) 398-7901 Fax: (513) 459-8085
Zachary O Zoz – Court Administrator (513) 398-7901 x 116
Debra Gardner, Clerk of Court (513) 398-7901 x 110
Kim Lyon, Fiscal Officer(513) 398-7901 x 102
Stephanie, Deputy Clerk(513) 398-7901 x 109
Jennifer, Deputy Clerk(513) 398-7901 x 108
Abby, Deputy Clerk(513) 398-7901 x 105
Sheri, Deputy Clerk(513) 398-7901 x 101
Kaitlin, Deputy Clerk(513) 398-7901 x 106
Bailiff Staff 
Doug Wheatley, Bailiff (513) 398-7901 x 118  
Dennis Shannon, Deputy Bailiff (513) 398-7901 x118
Probation Staff(513) 398-3678 Fax: (513) 701-6143 
Angela Mustard – Chief of Probation/Court Officer (513) 398-7901 x 111 
Bill Chapman, Probation Officer/ Deputy Bailiff (513) 398-7901 x 113 
Carol Reynolds, Probation Officer (513) 398-7901 x 121 
Thomas Dedrick, Assistant Chief Probation Officer(513) 398-7901 x 119
Jessica Reed, Probation Officer(513) 398-7901 x 115